Category: Uncategorized

Virtual League Week #3

The virtual league has concluded, with all four teams putting in the effort and finishing strong. There can only be one winner though, so congratulations to “The Not So Underdogs” led by the indefatigable Eve-Lyne Bertrand who pipped the Griffin-Town Snails to the post on score difference.
A big thank you to everyone for participating, and we look forward to running this again.

Training on Monday 28th

Training continues this Monday, the 28th of June at Vanier.
7pm -8pm for Hurling and Camogie
8pm – 9pm for Men and Ladies’ football

As we’re moving to green zone on Monday we won’t be requiring sign up beforehand, but please bring a mask for going to and from the field, and your own pen to fill out Vanier forms, and help us comply with Vanier’s Covid protocols.