We would thank those committee members that are stepping down this year: Emily Jibb, Thomas Dayon, Tiphaine Levrat, and Jasmine Akkermans, thank you so much for all your time and dedication.
We would like to welcome our new committee members Shera Robinson, Barry Cox, Shannon Pine, Tristan Mackenzie, and Orla Mahon, we wish you all the best in the coming year.
So, say hello to your committee for 2021
- Chairman: Liam Towmey
- Vice Chairman: Mike Johnson
- Secretary: Steven Owens
- Treasurer: Jake Ouellette
- Men’s Registrar: Martin Burke
- Women’s Registrar Veronique Buisson
- PRO/Webmaster: Jim Foley
- Men’s football Reps: Neil O’Brien and Dave Glynn
- Ladies’ football Reps: Claire Lubell and Shera Robinson
- Hurling reps: Barry Cox & Martin Burke
- Camogie Reps: Julie Houle and Annie Gaumond
- Rounders rep: Aidan Gallagher
- Social Officers: Julie Morrice, Davy Healy, and Shannon Pine
- Fundraising Officers: Tristan Mackenzie and Annie Gaumound
- French language officers: Ariane Jodoin and Orla Mahon
- Equipment Manager: Tony Cunningham
- LGBTQ Officers: Ariane Jodoin and Julie Morrice